Within the game’s official storyline, the main character earns the chance to have “coffee” with “girlfriends.” Wildenborg says his “hot coffee” patch merely toggles a single value in the game’s main script a “censor flag,” he calls it, that appears to have locked up several hot and heavy scenes. “While San Andreas is already full of violent behavior and sexual themes, the pornographic sex scenes push it over the edge,” said the group’s founder, David Walsh. All the content that is shown was already present on the DVD.”Ī “nationwide parental alert” was issued Friday by the National Institute on the Media and the Family, a Minneapolis-based group that monitors the entertainment industry. “My mod does not introduce anything to the game. “If Rockstar Games denies that, then they’re lying and I will be able to prove that,” Wildenborg, 36, wrote in an e-mail.

The mod’s author Patrick Wildenborg of Deventer, Netherlands told The Associated Press Friday that his code merely unlocks content that is already included in the code of each off-the-shelf game, the latest edition of the top-selling “Grand Theft Auto” series. The controversy has prompted an investigation by the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, which determines the rating on every video game sold.

Rockstar spokesman Rodney Walker refused to say whether or not the New York-based publisher created the sex scenes.

Sexual content of this kind generally earns videogames an AO (Adults Only) rating, which very few retailers are willing to sell. The new content fills in what publisher Rockstar Games left to the imagination in the rated M (Mature) version sold in stores. After downloading and installing a modification to the game one of many “mods” available on Web sites maintained by videogame enthusiasts a new world opens up in which the girlfriends appear nude and engage in explicit sex acts, according the mod’s author.